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Northumbria Healthcare Manufacturing and Innovation Hub welcomes students to learn more about textile manufacturing

16th August 2024

Last month, the Northumbria Healthcare Manufacturing and Innovation hub, which is part of Northumbria Healthcare Facilities Management, welcomed Year 12 students from Bede Academy. The visit provided students with the opportunity to look around the 40,000 sq/m site and to highlight the careers within healthcare textile manufacturing.

The students began the day learning about the different areas of the manufacturing hub including product development, planning, administration and sales. They were then given a tour of the manufacturing process and had the opportunity to create a theatre hat with personalised embroidery. The students were able to observe each key stage, from cutting the materials, to embroidery and sewing and seeing the different machinery in action.

Next up, students were shown the packing system and visited the warehouse where they could get an overview of the storage and distribution processes, including demonstrations of forklifts and loading docks.

The day provided students with an opportunity to experience careers within the NHS that aren’t healthcare focused, and also see how different teams work together to produce high quality PPE and other textile products. Additionally, the Manufacturing Hub also donated some surplus material from the production line for the students to take away and use on their own projects.

Northumbria Healthcare Facilities Management would like to say thanks to all who participated in the visit and hope it has made a positive impact on students as they navigate their career choices.


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